Shape Tomorrow
We deliver positive change to shape the future for your business and for society
Our world is powered by
insight and intelligence

The New Influencers
We’ve been a defining influence on the policy and business landscape for over 20 years.
We are Lexington.
Our Network
We’re headquartered in London with offices in, Manchester and the Middle East, where more than 100 consultants deliver our specialist expertise both globally and locally.
The Lexington Network

About the kyu Collective
kyu is a strategically-curated global network of best-in-class creative firms, founded in 2014 to help drive specialisation and innovation in the Hakuhodo DY Group. As a collective, kyu seeks to push the boundaries of what creativity can achieve. Its member companies lead the way in fields including transformational management consulting, human-centred design, storytelling, behavioural science, convening, and digital media—often working in collaboration for even greater impact.
Headquartered in New York, kyu’s members include: ATÖYLE, BEworks, BIMM, C2, Digital Kitchen, Gehl, Ghost Note, Godfrey Dadich Partners, Haigo, IDEO, Kepler Group, Napkyn, Neol, Public Digital, RedPeak, Rich Talent Group, Sid Lee, SYPartners, SYLVAIN, Upstatement, and Yard.
Lexington has signed up to the United Nations Global Compact, the leading principles-based approach to doing business. The ten Global Compact principles help us as a business meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Lexington will report annually, publicly against the Global Compact principles.