Case study


TP ICAP: Improving Numeracy


Improve numeracy across the UK with TP ICAP

Numeracy has been a big challenge in the UK, with half of all adults having the numeracy skills of an 11-year-old, costing the UK economy an estimated £20 billion every year. 

TP ICAP’s brokers and employees use their numeracy skills every day to help them understand complex markets. The business therefore relies on fostering a talent pipeline with strong numeracy skills and their existing workforce, as well as their client base, can give back to society as numeracy role models and mentors. 

We created the Everybody Counts campaign, mobilising TP ICAP’s colleagues and clients, and partnering with National Numeracy to engage 250,000 people in the UK to improve their confidence with numbers.

  • Designed Everybody Counts campaign content and programme

  • Brokered three-year partnership for TP ICAP with National Numeracy

  • Supported TP ICAP as a lead partner in the first ever National Numeracy Day, alongside the Economic Secretary to the Treasury at the London Stock Exchange

  • Worked with TP ICAP and National Numeracy to design and launch a research report at an industry reception, alongside the Chief Economist at the Bank of England

  • Ensured policymakers were briefed throughout the campaign, with a particular focus on securing buy-in from the Treasury

  • Created a workstream focused on addressing the implications of poor numeracy for workforce diversity and inclusion within the financial services sector

  • Supported TP ICAP as founding partner of National Numeracy’s first Number Confidence Week, delivering a social media campaign profiling TP ICAP’s female numeracy champions

  • Designed and delivered a virtual event for young women with female colleagues from TP ICAP, senior business speakers, National Numeracy Ambassador, Bobby Seagull, and a leading FT journalist

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We positioned TP ICAP as an industry leader on this hidden societal issue

  • TP ICAP and National Numeracy well on track to reach the 250,000 target by the end of 2021

  • TP ICAP working closely with financial services firms to address the impact poor numeracy is having on the industry’s talent pipeline

  • Widespread national media coverage and recognition from a range of policymakers

  • TP ICAP colleagues and clients engaged in a powerful way through events and online campaigns, fostering number confidence amongst those who might usually see numeracy as a barrier to securing a job, helping their children or managing their money

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