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 We’ve been a defining influence on the policy and business landscape for over 25 years.

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We are an agency of 100+ people that are embedded in culture, commerce, digital, research, politics, economics and much more.
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We are all about shaping tomorrow by engaging audiences, breaking consumer barriers, driving new ideas and raising awareness.



Our Values


Our people


We’re a community of 100+ strategists, thinkers, advisors and policy experts with a unique balance of intelligence, creativity and experience.

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Our Network

We’re headquartered in London with offices in Manchester and the Middle East. With more than 100 consultants, we deliver our specialist expertise globally and locally.


The Lexington Network

FIPRA Members

We are members of the FIPRA network of independent consultancies, which offers unrivalled access to bespoke, highly-specialised strategic counsel in over 50 countries across the globe.

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Who we are

Join us

Work is a huge part of our lives. That’s why at Lexington we pride ourselves on our inclusive culture, one based on collaboration, purpose and professional development at every level. If you want to join our dynamic team and help us shape tomorrow for our clients and society, get in touch.



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Positive impact

We adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and build relationships with clients based on honesty, integrity and respect. We are a member of the Public Relations and Communications Association and subscribe to their Codes of Conduct and Professional Charter.

Lexington has signed up to the United Nations Global Compact, the leading principles-based approach to doing business. The ten Global Compact principles help us as a business meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Lexington will report annually, publicly against the Global Compact principles.